Lesson 1 - Limbo is listening
Scientists have discovered that the strategies for boosting emotional wellbeing and becoming happier lift people regardless of how high or low they are on the emotional ladder. My research has now shown that on average, people who put what you are about to learn into practice, experience a 30 percent reduction in depressive symptoms, anxiety and stress, and a 20 percent improvement in their overall mental health and vitality.
Despite Australia being rated among the top 10 “happiest” countries in the world, antidepressant usage has doubled in the past decade, making them the most commonly used medications, taken by approximately one in 10 adults every day. The statistics are even worse in countries like the United States. Studies show that only about 20 percent of people report they are flourishing in life. It seems people everywhere are struggling, yet as you will discover here, there are many scientifically supported actions you can take to give yourself a lift.
I should point out that I am not naively suggesting that you can be a 10 out of 10 on the emotional ladder, day in, day out—no one can. Sometimes life is tough and we all have ups and downs.
To quote the ancient wisdom of Solomon, “There is a time for everything…a time to weep and a time to laugh.” I should add here, if you experience extended periods of low mood and exhaustion, you are advised to seek medical advice from your doctor or healthcare provider.
Your Limbo
As you are about to discover, your Limbo is an incredibly important part of your brain that you will want to keep in great working order. Just in case you are wondering where your Limbo lives, it is located in the middle of your brain, just below the part that looks like a cauliflower, which I like to call the “Leader”.
The limbo Is the home of happy. If you stimulate it in the correct way you feel happy.
Why you want your Limbo in a good state? Your happiness is made up of three things. They are as follows:
- You have 10% - circumstances
- You have 50% genetics
- You have 40% to choose
Your LIMBO has no feeling
- Your brain cannot feel anything. Your brain doesn’t have any feeling. The brain tissue is numb.
- If your limbo has no feelings of itself how does it know how to feel glad, sad or mad?
- Your limbo is hard wired to other parts of your body. Follow the logic. If you know what these sources of input are you can purposefully and intentionally send the correct message.